Top 20 Songs about Peace

 Peace, love and harmony. It's time to get off the war train and spread some peace with the 20 best songs about peace here on Top2040 com

1 - Give Peace a Chance by John Lennon and Yoko Ono. It tops our list. All we are saying is give peace a chance. It's the anthem for all time.

2 - Peace Train by Cat Stevens - A soothing sentiment.

3 - Blowing in the Wind by Bob Dylan  Melody and crisp lyrics made this a classic. It's been recorded by over 100 artists over the years.

4 - Imagine by John Lennon

5 - Get Together by the Youngbloods - Smile on your brother, love one another

6 - Turn! Turn! Turn! by the Byrds  A time for peace, I swear it's not too late.

7 - Peacemaker by Fleetwood Mac

8 - Wind of Change bv the Scorpions

9 - Peace by Depeche Mode

10 - What's So Funny ('bout Peace Love and Understanding) by Elvis Costello

11 - Give me Love (Give me Peace on Earth) by George Harrison

12 - We Can Be Together by Jefferson Airplance

13 - All You Need Is Love by The Beatles

14 - Peace is Just a Word by the Eurythmics

15 - Where Peaceful Waters Flow by Chris DeBurgh

16 - Peaceable Kingdom by Rush

17 - Why Can't We Be Friends by (ironically) the 70s band called War. 

18 - Friendship Train by Gladys Knight and the Pips

19 - We Want Peace by Lenny Kravitz

20 - Peace by Taylor Swift

There you have it, the most peaceful songs around. Peace, baby!

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