Top 20 Led Zeppelin Songs of All Time

The Top 20 Led Zeppelin songs from five decades of rock music. A superb hard rock legacy.

One of the greatest, hardest rock bands of our time, Led Zeppelin have paved the way and influenced a lot of hard rock bands to come. Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, John-Paul Jones, and Jon Bonham. Their legacy is far-reaching, and here are the 20 best Led Zeppelin songs, the top songs from the Led Zeppelin play-list: 

20 - Whole Lotta Love , from Led Zeppelin II
19 - Rock-n-Roll , from Lep Zeppelin IV

18 - The Song Remains the Same from the Houses of the Holy CD

17 - Good Time, Bad Times , track 1, side 1 from their debut LP

16 - Over the Hills and Far Away

15 - The Rain Song from the album Houses of the Holy

14 - When the Levee Breaks

13 - The Lemon Song (1969) from LP: Led Zeppelin II

12 - Fool in the Rain (1979) from In Through the Out Door

11 - Dancing Days (1973)

10 - Battle of Evermore, song about the Nazgûl in the Lord of the Rings

9 - The Rover (1975) from the magnificent Physical Graffiti double-album

8 - In the Evening (1979) track 1 from the album In Through the Out Door

7 - Immigrant Song (1970) III: A song that needs no introduction:

6 - Since I've Been Loving You , also from the Led Zeppelin III album

5 - No Quarter, mysterious and heavy

4 - All of My Love (1979) An indelible favorite.

3 - Thank You, a fluid, effortless tune, flush with sound, from Led II

2 - Stairway to Heaven . The most famous of the Led Zep playlist, I am partial to the live version on "The Song Remains the Same" LP. Excellence in music, rarely accomplished in our time. Gaga fans have no idea. The world has been clueless for the past 10 years.

1 - Kashmir from the LP Physical Grafitti, this is the coolest tune of the 70s, and the crowning achievement of Led Zeppelin.

Honorable Mention: Achilles Last Stand, a grinding 10 minute song from the Presence album of 1977 almost made the list, and Ten Years Gone. All very excellent.
Let's get back to rock and roll, and get the Led out.

The best Led Zeppelin songs and albums ranked.

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